I have been a cat–lover my whole life, always having had at least two cats in my household. I fell in love with a friend's Birman in 1985, and one of her kittens, Chereby Benjamin Luke ("Benji") became my much loved pet for 17 years. When I migrated to Australia from the UK in 1988, Benji and his longhaired domestic friend, Sherry, came with me. When Sherry passed on in old age, I decided to fulfill my ambition to breed Birmans. Choosing 'Shenji' – a combination of Sherry and Benji – as my prefix, I purchased a bluepoint female, Eldorato Jessamine Leia. Her first litter produced Gold Champion Shenji Callista Sarah, who was my very successful introduction to cat shows. In 1996, I purchased one of the first Norwegian Forest Cat kittens to be born in Australia from imported lines, and continued to import more cats from respected breeders in Scandinavia, beginning as the first NFC breeder in Victoria, under the prefix Borealis. I was invited to train as a Group One Judge and was successful in passing the training course and exam in 2004. Since qualifying, I have judged for both GCCFV and FCCV at numerous shows in Victoria, ACT, Tasmania and Brisbane, and also enjoyed the privilege of judging internationally in England at Birman, Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest Cat specialist shows in 2008.