I have been involved in the cat fancy since approximately 1986. During that time my husband and I have bred and shown Persians and Exotics (solids, colourpoints and bi–colours). During this period of time we were regular exhibitors at shows, except for a period of time where I took a brief hiatus to study law. We both feel blessed that we were able to enjoy some success on the show bench with our breeding. With my husband and children I have donated time working at and supporting cat shows in a variety ways. Not only have I had the joy sharing my life and home with Persians and Exotics but currently enjoy the pleasure of the company of a Siberian and a Bengal. I have held a number of positions in cat clubs over the years and I presently hold the position of President of the Longhair Cat Association of NSW. In 2008 I attained my Group 1 Licence and in March 2015 I was granted Group 1 Tutor Judge status. In March 2017 I attained the status of All Breeds Judge.