Rod lives in rural Victoria, 65km east of Melbourne. He had his first pet cat at 3, joined FCCV in 1967 and is the longest–serving active member of the organization. He started breeding pedigreed cats in 1968, had a highly successful show career with them, breeding mostly Persians [under the Firnbank, Sublime and Preview prefixes], but also Exotics, Scottish Folds and Singapuras.
Starting judging in 1978, he has judged widely in South Africa, USA, New Zealand and most of Asia.
He began guest judging CFA shows in Asia in 2006 and has since judged about 70 CFA shows. At the start of 2018, he applied to become a CFA judge and was granted his Approved All Breed status in 2019; being the only CFA judge living in Australia.
Due to Covid, travel overseas seemed unwise, plus family commitments and problems in the Australian fancy lead him to re–enter the cat world in Australia late 2022 and regrettably to resign as a CFA judge. He is now officially the FCCV President and Registrar, remains CCCT Registrar and is once again a CCCA all breeds judge, though with much broader experience than he had 15 years ago. He hopes for a busy but calmer life without all the travel.