I have been involved with the cat fancy since 1988.~ 35 years!! From when I first registered my breeding prefix “SINJIN” in 1988, under which I have exclusively bred Siamese & Orientals and much to my delight achieved numerous Breeder/Owner ~ Cat & Kitten of the Year awards over the years. I'm a founding & life member of “The Oriental Cat Club of NSW” (Est:1989) and have over the years of my involvement with this club, have held the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, and Show Manager/Show Secretary & currently hold the position of Club President. In July 2022, I was proudly presented with a “Honorary Membership” from the New Zealand Siamese Cat Association, which I had the privilege of judging for in Christchurch. NZ.
I become an approved steward in 1994, and then a NSWCFA Companion Judge in 1999. In March 2017, I successfully completed with NSWCFA ~ The All Shorthair Judges Training Course (Groups 2 & 3) and was granted my Full Shorthair Open Licence, and in August 2022, advanced to All Shorthair Tudor Judge. I am now an “Allbreeds Open Licence Judge” since end of 2023. My love & admiration for all felines gives me enormous pleasure judging and I am so looking forward to continuing this experience over the years to come. As we have some truly amazing pedigree cats on the show bench today. In my other life ~ What other life?? .......The Cats Rule It.
Nearest Airport: – Newcastle.