I have had an association with various domestic cats for my entire life. Our family's first Burmese cat came to us in 1983, after conducting a lot of research. In 1985, after purchasing two further neuter boys we began showing our cats. That was it! My fate as a burmese owner was sealed. In 1999 a further cat joined us, and so my interest continued in showing. We also became the slaves of a lovely spotted spay Bengal in 2006. This event coincided with my breeding programme with these burmese, when our first of two breeding girls arrive, and over the years, under Sukimah prefix we had some success on the show bench.
I had made up my mind around this time that I would love to breed these gorgeous cats, however this didn't occur until 2006 when I purchased our first two breeding girls, and so began our breeding programme under the Sukimah prefix, which, over the years, has had some success on the show bench.
After successfully completing the Shorthair group judging course in 2015, I became a fully qualified Shorthair judge in 2017. In 2023 I was successful in becoming fully qualified in the Longhair Group now my staus is a CCCA Allbreeds judge, being a tutor judge in the Shorthair Group.
My involvement with affiliate clubs began with membership of the Newcastle & Hunter VAlley Cat Club in 1985 which continues today. I am an active member of the Burmese Cat Society of Australasia Inc, appointed firstly as Treasurer for 6 years and since 2011. I have been the Society's secretary. I am also co–editor of our Society's magazine. I hold membership of two other cat clubs affiliated with NSW CFA.
I am entering my 5th term on the NSW CFA Management Committee. I am a member of Judges/Breeds sub– committee, Compliance/Education sub–committee, and also the Show sub–committee. I have served a term and a half as President, and I currently hold the position of Vice President of our Association.
Away from Cat Fancy interests, and apart from my part time work, my main interests are reading books, meeting up with friends, enjoying time with our cats, gardening, spending time with our family here and in Perth, WA